About Candace

The word itself is a term that refers to a Professional.
The translation of this Hawaiian word means “keeper of the secret”.
The secret in this context means “Universal Wisdom”
This wisdom in many cultures is also referred to as “God” and “Mother Nature”
As a Professional, I apply Universal Wisdom in my practice in a variety of ways.
I am a gifted hands-on healer. This gift came forward in my life at the birth of my first child which was in 1968. As with any gift or talent, it must be used to be developed. I applied this gift, this service free of charge until I opened my practice in Los Angeles, California in 1984.
My Kahuna training began in 1978 following an automobile accident. A friend
introduced me to a man who provided his services as a healer and later became my first
Kahuna instructor His name was BJ Carlisle, a Native Hawaiian Kahuna who also was
an Aikido Master, kiatsu instructor, and night watchman at the Salk Institute.
He was reluctant at first to treat me due to the extensive nature of my injuries.
I had been a hands-on healer for ten years prior to meeting him and had developed a
preference to that style of application. He consulted “The Lady” (Pele) and because of
what she told him about me, he agreed and we began.
During my treatment and training he introduced me to the understanding of ancestral
teachers, spiritual continuity, and the responsibility that humans have to keeping and
practicing the principles of living wisdom on this planet. He reminded me that although
my body was not born to a native Hawaiian in this lifetime, that my spirit nevertheless
carried the wisdom of the generations and the responsibilities that came with it. This
obligation is not only to the Hawaiian born peoples, but to all those who carry the
principles of the understanding within them. It is a living wisdom. It must be preserved
through integral practice. It can be translated but at its base may not be diluted or
distorted. It is this core configuration that maintains our essence in form. When it is off
balance, illness takes place and correction is required. This is the primary principle of
what is called healing.
The capacity to facilitate healing at a full range of vibration requires a complete
alignment with ‘what is known” which is not always what ‘you think you know”.
It necessitates in my experience what could be called a complete surrender to that which
is commonly called God. Each level of tissue and mass in the human form vibrates at a
distinct frequency. Each has its own requirements, which must be considered in the
context of the whole. As instruments, my hands are able to determine what is required
and provide the proper sequence to accomplish a balance. I place my hands in God’s
hands and as I observe the results I am always deeply grateful.
This understanding came forward in the presence of my instructor in a language that I
could understand. It is my experience that his service to me as a reference point has
continued even after his physical death.
During this training sequence I was introduced to my second Hawaiian born instructor,
Abraham Kawai’i, who also claimed the title Kahuna. He owned a business in Honolulu
called The Institute of Pacific Wisdom. I met him in 1980. He invited me to take over
his healing classes in Honolulu while he went to Maui to teach. I worked with him both
on the Hawaiian Islands and on the mainland conducting classes, seminars and individual
sessions. In 1987, I began my practice based in Tucson Arizona while he continued his
work in Austrailia and Kauai until his death.
My Kahuna instructors were both quite different in their character and application.
Together, they gave me a well rounded view from their own experiences both of what is
possible and impossible, necessary and unnecessary in the application of power in this
dimension. I am grateful to both of them for recognizing the information carried by my
spirit and their efforts to encourage and challenge me to willingly bring that forward and
apply it in this lifetime.
My overview assessment is that there are indeed Laws in this Universe and they are
operating in every situation.
In 1987, having completed my work with my Instructors, I was fairly certain that I would
be assigned to work on the Big Island somewhere around Kona. Not so. The indication
from the Universe was to locate my assigned spot in the Southwest. It turned out to be
Tucson, Az. This location has been a perfect base from which to operate and fulfill my
Since arriving in Tucson, I have offered a one day class on the first Sunday of every
month which I call Kahuna Kindergarden. It consists of a four to five hour topical lecture
by me, a question and answer period and potluck lunch. This class is attended by
students who arrive in person and is also offered as a correspondence course. Because it
is an open class, the number of attendees varies…the least being 1 (a New Years Day)
and the most being 25. The correspondence class has also varied from between 12 to 30
participants. The only form of advertisement I have used so far has been word of mouth.
My hands-on healing practice has two basic formats.
1. The client calls, we set a time to meet in my home office. At the beginning of the
session, I turn on a cassette tape recorder to record the event. My purpose for
recording is so there is no misinterpretation of what exactly I said, or did. There is
often a great amount of material that is covered a short period of time and if there
are specific instructions, they can be followed exactly. The client also has the
option to review at any time following the session.
If the individual has physical issues, I ask them to lie down face-up, fully clothed
on a cloth covered table. I begin my interaction with the body which consists of
what I call ‘scanning’ the area around the body and then putting my hands on the
body. There are a variety of movements and adjustments required to balance the
body. Some are very gentle and others are quite strenuous. The only instruments I
apply are my hands and arms. During the session, I discuss and describe exactly
what I am doing and what is going on. The client may ask whatever questions
they may have at any time. If at any time they become uncomfortable in any way,
they are welcome to get off the table and there are no “hard feelings”. There has
been only one person who got off the table in all these years. At the end of the
session, I give the client a packet of information which has a variety of
instructions and explanations of the techniques I recommend during the session.
2. The second is also initiated by a call from a client only the process occurs over the
phone. The spirit and the mind are involved and the body is represented by the
voice. The connection is made on the vibration of the voice and the issues are
presented at request of the client. This conversation is also recorded on audio
tape which is sent along with a packet of information and instructions to the
As a Kahuna, I have an obligation to serve the Hawaiian people and the Islands
themselves. I have traveled to the islands whenever called which has averaged two to
three trips per year. It is common to provide my service on a donation or trade basis and
often does not include a profit. My work on the mainland usually funds island work.
I have hosted and participated in public events and workshops over the years in several
I have clients in Hawaii, Washington, Oregon,
California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Missouri,Tennesee, Illinois,
Massachusetts, Florida, Canada and the U.K. Clients have arrived in limousines, to
bicycles. I have served the very wealthy to the homeless.
My practice includes business consultations. I have been flown to locations to consult
with companies and individual homes to work with families.
When Andy Weil set up his integrative medicine practice at the UofA, he put my name
on his list for his students to experience my work as an alternative healer.
The best part for me about doing this kind of work, using my hands, guided by what I call
God is the understanding of the mystery of the connection between the body, mind and
spirit and negotiating solutions that are reasonable, logical and not drug induced.
I am not a doctor. I am not able to perform surgery or bone setting. I have been,
however, successful at negotiating solutions to relieve conditions such as tumors or
cancers, headaches, allergies, heart problems, etc. Many clients seek my service when the
doctors have said there is no hope and they have walked out of my office perfectly fine
and have remained fine. Some have seen me on their way to surgery and their condition
disappeared. Some have called me to the hospital and doctors have asked if they could
observe what I did because they were monitoring and measuring the changes and
believed that what I had done resolved issues that they were unable to treat.
Getting the work done is more important to me than trying to prove that I can do it.
It is my opinion that science will invent the machines that can measure the process I
apply. To me the answers and explanations lie in the field of quantum physics.
Fred Alan Wolf asked me once. “Where did you get this information? It’s the same stuff
we are discovering in our research!” “Hurry up and describe it in your language,” I said,
“I would love to hear your findings….and of course, as a scientist, you could measure the
process I apply”…it would be great fun. Until then, I translate my wisdom into a
language that even children can understand and I record each session for my clients and
As to my fees, it would be impossible to charge for the gift itself, which is priceless,
however I do charge for my time.
Candace Lienhart
Aloha nui loa.